My First Hoosier Pie

This primary purpose of this blog of course is to share information related to shooting 8mm film, but who says that we can’t have a little fun by sharing some personal projects as well.  Leonard, the new guy, would like to share one of his first stop motion animation projects, which oddly enough was him eating his first official state pie of Indiana, also known as the Sugar Cream Pie.

Simulating 8mm Film on my iPod

I have been having some fun with an application on my iPod which simulates the look of 8mm film.  What Fun!  (Of course it looks nothing like our transfers, but who says we can’t have a little fun every now and then!  for a couple dollars for the application it was well worth it.)

Watching your baby grow up

We are working on a new really cool and innovative service offering for Treasure Coast Film.  This new service will allow you to watch your children grow before you very eyes.  You will send us photographs of your children at different points in their lives, and then we will do our magic!

You will be able to watch your child grow from a little baby to a full grown adult.  The more pictures you have of them, the better the video will be.

Stay Tuned as rumor has it we will be giving a few away as gifts to our loyal fan base!

Old Movies

As we discussed in our previous post, We love old movies.  It doesn’t matter if they were shot on 8mm film and we are transferring them for a client or if we they were on 35mm film and projected on the big screen, we love them both.

The Marx Brothers, Stanley Kubrick, Alford Hitchcock, Marilyn Monroe, Rory Calhoun, and countless others are a breed of which shall never be replaced.  Although there certainly is nothing wrong with the new Star Trek movies – lens flares and fancy computer graphics will never replace the great story-lines and talent in the original Star Trek movies.

Whether it’s Barry Lyndon pretending to be a wealthy aristocrat or its Larry, Moe, and Curly up to their antics, one thing can be said that its classic entertainment.  We love old movies so much at Treasure Coast Film that we have a list of some of our favorites.  Be sure to check back often as our list changes.

Barcode Reading

Warning: This post is for the ultra technogeek.  It is our (small) contribution back to the open source community, which has provided Treasure Coast Film with so much!

With all of the documents we process in a day’s time it is an absolute necessity that we find ways to efficiently manage document processing.  Order Forms, reviews, surveys, payment vouchers, estimate authorizations, and other forms would take an indefinitely long time to handle if we didn’t use bar-codes.  In another post we will discuss how we decode the bar-codes.

For generating the bar-codes we use the PEAR class of PHP named Image_Barcode2, which lacks good documentation.  Here is our attempt to show how to use the class.

We started with this post.

If you need to install the class:

pear install Image_Barcode2  (from the linux command line)

Code (which we rotate the image 90 degrees and place it toward the lower right hand bottom of the image.


function str2barcodeBase64($str) {
include_once “Image/Barcode2.php”;

$str = empty($str) ? ‘test’ : $str;
$type = ‘code128’;  //See more below
$imgtype = ‘png’;
$bSendToBrowser = FALSE;
$height = 20;
$width = 1;

$img = Image_Barcode2::draw($str, $type, $imgtype, $bSendToBrowser, $height, $

$imgBase64 = base64_encode(ob_get_contents());


$return = ‘<img src=”data:image/’ . $imgtype . ‘;base64,’ . $imgBase64 . ‘”>’;
return $return;

$str = “member1001000”;
$str = “pink0125”;

print “<div style=\”float:right; margin-top: 450px; -webkit-transform:rotate(90deg);width:20px\”>\n”;

print str2barcodeBase64($str);

print “</div>\n”;


Above you will see the variable $types.  you can change it to any of these:

Barcode Types:









The Movie Database

Warning: This post is for the ultra technogeek.  It is our (small) contribution back to the open source community, which has provided Treasure Coast Film with so much!

At Treasure Coast Film we figure its obvious that we love old movies!  When you look at the list of our old movies (by clicking here) you will see that its extremely obvious we love old movies!  We love them so much that we made a webpage for them and even make a Twitter Post for one each and every day!

Continue reading

Film Preservation – Initial Posting

Hi, thanks for stopping by the new Treasure Coast Film blog. I won’t
bore you with a lot of details about what this blog will be about as
we will both learn as time progresses, and I want to jump right into a
very important topic.

Over the years of me transferring 8mm film I have had lots and lots of
people calling me who act like all they are needing is something like
a color copy. You stick the film in one side, and out comes discs out
of the other. I always beg to differ, as the reason someone is coming
to me is to preserve their family memories. One step of this
preservation is to have the film transferred onto DVDs. The more
important step is the cleaning and preservation of the actual film.
However, the most important step is the client education.

So, I will leave this first post short and sweet with a link to a nice
primer on archival storage and preservation.