Shooting on film that was 20 years old

One of my dearly departed clients gave me a reel of K40 Super8 film that had expired in 1979 and I decided to shoot it anyway.  I figured how could I go wrong, and I was right, I didn’t.  The only color left on the film was magenta so I turned it to black and white and I think it looked good considering it was just experimental.



AD Test Strips


I get asked every now and then how I make a determination if someone’s film needs more advanced preservation or not.  I decide this based on a subjective test and an objective test.  The subjective test I use is that I look to see If the film is curled up any at all or if it is brittle.  The objective test I use are AD Test Strips from the Image Permanence Institute and see how much “hidden deterioration” there is.


As film deteriorates it emits an acidic vapor which becomes a double whammy as it destroys more of the film.  The more green/yellow the strip turns the more aggressively we pursue advanced preservation techniques. 

My First Hoosier Pie

This primary purpose of this blog of course is to share information related to shooting 8mm film, but who says that we can’t have a little fun by sharing some personal projects as well.  Leonard, the new guy, would like to share one of his first stop motion animation projects, which oddly enough was him eating his first official state pie of Indiana, also known as the Sugar Cream Pie.